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We are YOUR Centerville Athletic Booster Club! The Centerville Athletic Booster Club is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to supporting the athletic programs and athletes in the Centerville School System. The Booster organization helps out where our tax dollars and school budgets fall short. In the past decade, we have funded over $750,000 in additional athletic programming for the young people in our middle and high schools. ​
What have your Centerville Elks been up to lately? Here are some interesting facts about the successes of your local athletes!!
2022-23 Total Number of Athletes: 1428 High School; 683 Middle School
2022-23 State Titles: Girls Golf, Girls Tennis Doubles Team, Boys Track & Field (Individual- Cameron Gay)
2021-2022 GWOC Overall titles = 13
2021-2022 Number of Scholar Athletes =302
2021-2022 Number of Athletes going on to Play in college = 38
Centerville has won the All Sports Trophy 41 0f the past 42 years!
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